Click on this video and listen to Diddy’s response:
He loves talking about himself LOL
The Official Black Census
If you thought things have changed and that racism... Crazy!
Your image is holding you back        You all have to excuse me. I had to handle some business but I’m back!          I would like to talk about my community and our image! Now, we all know that we are unfairly portrayed on TV. According to marketers, we appeal to almost every negative connotation...
“A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE†Now, I’m not one to give anyone advice when it comes to grammar. You will notice, in this blog and other previous entries that I struggle with my grammar and punctuation just as much as the next. The one thing that really “grinds my gears†is improper grammar and punctuation on purpose! I can’t...
Giving Credit where Credit is due! I figured since its Black History Month (February), I would highlight someone that has done some great things for Black Entertainment. In this case, it is not so great, but this person’s efforts will not go unnoticed. He hasn’t done anything “ground breaking†and his contributions that I will...
“Good Move, Mello!† Ok, so we all know about Karrine Steffans (Super Head) and her book that made the New York Times Best Sellers list. We also know that many mistresses/sideline girlfriends are coming from everywhere and putting their business “out in the street.†It is the new gig for H*’s. Sleep with a celebrity...
Click on this video and listen to Diddy’s response:
He loves talking about himself LOL
Category : Uncategorized
Have you noticed that people just don’t give a damn anymore? The American culture no longer fears death. What does that mean? It means that no one is planning for tomorrow. In the sense that tomorrow is not promised because things happen that we cannot control. Therefore, why not live like there is no tomorrow? This does not mean go out and do everything you said you would like to have done by now. This means giving your life to GOD and doing the right thing. So, if that day ever comes (you will not know when it will happen), you will be prepared for what is on the other side.
         People don’t have a conscious anymore. They are just acting off feelings and emotions. There is no logic anymore; people just go for what feels good. Most of the things that make you feel good in this world are not the right things for you… That sentence was meant for those women dealing with men who treat them wrong and vice versa…It’s just like food, most of the food that taste good is not good for you health wise… People are addicted to everything worldly. The last time I checked, that was Idolatry.
         Now, some people are even saying that marriage is obsolete…what?!?!?! Since when did joining each other in Holy matrimony become a thing of the past? Most people don’t have morals anymore. Instead of practicing safe sex, people are spreading diseases. Instead of waiting until the time is right, people are having sex as early as middle school… people are committing adultery as if it is the new thing to do. They have no regard for their marriage or the feelings of others involved (their wife/husband or kids). It’s all about me, me, and me.
         The level of disrespect is at an all time high. There is no respect for elders. Child pornography and molestation is much more consistent. Drama seems to be the only thing most people know.  Women are self-proclaimed “the baddest b*tch†instead of trying to be a classy lady. Deadbeat dads are more common than ever before. Mischievous and spiteful woman are using kids as a means to hurt the child’s father. If not that, they do not know who the daddy is because they been with too many people. A monogamous relationship seems to be something that died with our grandparent’s time. Divorce is at a high rate because people are getting married for all the wrong reasons… I could go on and on about the selfish, “it’s all about me and how I feel†culture that we have become. At what point do we start to fill guilty again. Not the kind of guilt you feel after you have done something wrong but, the guilt that stops you from doing it. What happened to the conscious that tells you “it’s not worth it�
         If family means a lot to you then why do you treat yours with disrespect? (For those dads and moms out there who come home late after doing sinful activity?) The same goes for those women and men who are having children just to have them. Sometimes you have to do a self-evaluation. If you know you are irresponsible and selfish, why would you try to raise a child knowing you are not a good parent? If you know you don’t have it in you to give that child the life they deserve (attention, affection and sacrifice) then don’t have them or give them to someone who can treat them right. There are families out here who would love to have a child to raise. Don’t be stupid.
         Let God into your hearts people. It’s time to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about the people that you hurt in the long the run. I understand that temptation is one of the hardest things to ignore. It’s there to test you. It tests willpower and your faith. Being a Christian is a lifestyle change, it does not just happen overnight and it is not easy but it can be accomplished… if judgment day were to happen tomorrow, where would you go? Heaven or Hell? Don’t answer that question using YOUR own point of view. Answer that question from God’s standards on how he wanted you to live. Be real with yourself. Be a team player and devote yourself to helping others. When you start to think about the team, you put yourself in championship contention.
For decades, black woman have held their families together. Through all the pain and adversity that African Americans have endured, black woman have remained the essential key to every movement toward success. “Behind every strong black man is a strong black womanâ€, “Black women are the backbone to their community… “I’m sure you have heard these metaphors before. It’s true! Black women have stood strong since the beginning of time. From Harriet Tubman to Michelle Obama (standing strong for her man, through the turmoil) to Oprah… Black women have proven they can make the best out of their situation, no matter what it is.
My, My, My… how times have changed! Standards have changed drastically. Now, no one expects young black women to take on the same role that their grandmothers did when they were growing up. Black women nowadays don’t have to work three jobs, take care of the kids, cook, clean and do other household duties… There are women who still do those things today but there aren’t that many. Not to say that black woman in this day in age aren’t capable, but with the current shift in household expectations (men do more around the house), it isn’t necessary.
Now, I will admit, single black women don’t have much to choose from nowadays. With a lot of black men going to jail, getting murdered or just not living up to expectations (Not true for every black man). It’s hard for a black woman who has experienced success to meet another black man on the same level…
Black women nowadays need to get it together as well. You shouldn’t lower standards in order to meet somebody (your soul mate). But at the same time, we won’t ignore the issues that black women have today. You see females on TV that represent part of the problem, almost everyday. Nicki Minaj, Alicia Keys (just got married to a man who left his wife for her), Beyonce (almost, always half naked whenever you see her on TV)… There aren’t too many positive black women that the youth can look up to. Being able to pay your bills and live on your own qualifies as being “a strong black woman†nowadays. Is that it? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? How does that make you strong?… there are so many black women who don’t take accountability for their actions and the situations around them. Black women don’t realize they can impact their community more than black men can.
Believe it or not, black men will get themselves together when black women raise their standards. It’s like what Chris Rock said, “if women didn’t like men with nice houses, most men would live in a card board box.” As funny as that is, it’s true, most men are motivated by what is considered attractive… success!
So if a young black men notices that a lot of black women respect and admire a man who looks and acts like lil Wayne (nowhere near a positive role model). As bizarre as that sounds, it’s true! Men conform themselves to what society perceives as successful for an African American male. In the black community, today, it’s rappers and ball players (not known to be good role models). So, it’s not to say it’s the black woman’s fault for the downfall of the black community. But, if most black woman decide they want to speak out against their peers who aren’t raising their kids the right way and take control of situations that need to be corrected. It will make a positive change. Most times, it’s not about what you have to say about a situation, it’s what you do. Actions speak louder than words and black women are still, and will forever be the backbone of their family!