Click on this video and listen to Diddy’s response:
He loves talking about himself LOL
The Official Black Census
If you thought things have changed and that racism... Crazy!
Your image is holding you back        You all have to excuse me. I had to handle some business but I’m back!          I would like to talk about my community and our image! Now, we all know that we are unfairly portrayed on TV. According to marketers, we appeal to almost every negative connotation...
“A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE†Now, I’m not one to give anyone advice when it comes to grammar. You will notice, in this blog and other previous entries that I struggle with my grammar and punctuation just as much as the next. The one thing that really “grinds my gears†is improper grammar and punctuation on purpose! I can’t...
Giving Credit where Credit is due! I figured since its Black History Month (February), I would highlight someone that has done some great things for Black Entertainment. In this case, it is not so great, but this person’s efforts will not go unnoticed. He hasn’t done anything “ground breaking†and his contributions that I will...
“Good Move, Mello!† Ok, so we all know about Karrine Steffans (Super Head) and her book that made the New York Times Best Sellers list. We also know that many mistresses/sideline girlfriends are coming from everywhere and putting their business “out in the street.†It is the new gig for H*’s. Sleep with a celebrity...
Category : Uncategorized
Click on this video and listen to Diddy’s response:
He loves talking about himself LOL